
Infectious agents, resistance and chemotherapy (AGIR)
Infectious agents, resistance and chemotherapy (AGIR)
Study and synthesis of peptides to fight Gram-negative bacteria resistance. Contact : Alexandra DASSONVILLE-KLIMPT. Keywords : antibacterial, antimalarial, resistance, peptide/membrane interactions, vectorisation
BIND - Institut FEMTO-ST / Equipe BioINterfaces et Dispositifs
BIND - Institut FEMTO-ST / Equipe BioINterfaces et Dispositifs
Use of antimicrobial peptides in surface protection against biofilm proliferation; we also produce & use PAMs in biotechnology to produce proteins (soluble-membrane)/vesicles of interest. Contact: Vincent HUMBLOT. Keywords: Biointerfaces, lab-on-chip/organ-on-chip, microfluidic devices
BioMat - Biomaterials and Bioengineering
BioMat - Biomaterials and Bioengineering
Description of research activities related to AMPs (one sentence): We are designing innovative antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral materials and coatings and evaluating their applications in implantable and non-implantable medical devices using supramolecular assemblies of biopolymers and peptides. Contact : Philippe Lavalle Keywords: Biomaterials / Antimicrobials / Biopolymers / Advanced and Smart Materials
Biology of the egg and physiology of the laying hen (BOPP)
Biology of the egg and physiology of the laying hen (BOPP)
(i) formation of natural defenses of the chicken egg, (ii) their evolution as a function of rearing conditions and during storage and/or incubation, and (iii) the identification and characterization of antimicrobial proteins and peptides in the various egg compartments. Contact : Nicolas GUYOT. Keywords : Table egg, hatching egg, hygienic quality, antimicrobial peptides and proteins, defensins
CBSA - Lab. of Bacterial Communication and Anti-infective Strategies
CBSA - Lab. of Bacterial Communication and Anti-infective Strategies
Identification of natural or synthetic peptides for their antibacterial, anti-resistance, anti-biofilm, anti-virulence and anti-inflammatory activities, and deciphering their mechanism of action. Contact: Olivier LESOUHAITIER. Keywords: Biofilm, membrane destabilization, ESKAPEE, antibio-resistance, anti-infectious strategies
CBM - Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire / Equipe RMN des Biomolécul
CBM - Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire / Equipe RMN des Biomolécules
Our projects focus on the 3D NMR structures, structure-function relationships and mechanisms of action of antimicrobial peptides rich in disulfide bridges, in particular defensins. NMR metabolomics and fluorescence microscopy complement our initial expertise in structural biology. Contact : Céline LANDON. Keywords: Defensin, NMR, structural biology, structure-activity relationships, mechanism of action, flurorescence microscopy
CBMN - Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects / Multi Scale Biophysics / Nano-Biotechnology and methodological developments in Atomic Force Microscopy
CBMN - Institute of Chemistry & Biology of Membranes & Nano-objects / Multi Scale Biophysics / Nano-Biotechnology and methodological developments in Atomic Force Microscopy
Nanoscale effects of antimicrobial agents by AFM. Contact : Sofiane EL-KIRAT-CHATEL. Keywords : Physico-chemical properties of microbial surfaces, single-molecule force spectroscopy, single-cell force spectroscopy, AFM
COM - Equipe Chimie Organique et Médicinale
COM - Equipe Chimie Organique et Médicinale
Bio-inspired design of molecular architectures, mimicking AMPs, to combat bacterial infections. Contact: Sophie FAURE. Keywords: Peptidomimetics, Foldamers, Antimicrobial agents